Latest Past Events

Defibrillator Demonstration

Fazeley Town Hall

With an increase in the number of defibrillators installed within the Tamworth area, Fazeley Town Council has  arranged for Keith Dawson to come and demonstrate how use one... All are welcome...

Coffee Morning

Fazeley Town Hall

Feeling like you need a bit of company... Come and join us for a coffee and chat at Fazeley Town Hall betweem 11am and 1pm

Fazeley Scouts Open Night

Fazeley Town Hall

Aged 10-14? Tired of dull evenings?  Want to try something exciting, learn skills for the future, and meet new friends? Come and see what we have to offer. Can you help? Scouts is run by a team of volunteers! Whatever time you can spare, whatever skills you can bring to the table. Find out more about how you can get involved.