Fazeley Town Council Initiative
Replacing the Town Hall Floor
Over a period of several years it became more and more apparant that there was something seriously wrong with The Town Hall floor.
Initially, it was nothing more than two or three pieces of parquet coming loose; which was put down to years of general wear and tear.
As more and more pieces began to become detached, it was decided to undertake a survey of the concrete on which they were fixed. It was determined that the sulphate within the ash used as a base for the concrete floor, was causing the concrete to rapidly deteriorate and become unstable; evidenced by widespread cracking, bulging and upward movement. The thirty-five photos on the right show the various stages of the work undertaken.
One last look at the old Parquet Fooring...
After 67 years, the floor was showing its age. The concrete had deteriorated so much that it was no longer able to provide a stable base for the parquet floor; causing the pieces to become dislodged and making it a serious trip/splinter hazard.
A last look at the stage before the final curtain call...
I wonder what tales could this stage could tell..? What performances..? What events..? What hidden talents first saw the light of day..? What Stars were born..? Thank goodness the memories will still remain.
Anyone for a game of Stickle Bricks..?
And so the work begins. The ease at which the parquet flooring was removed from the concrete floor was clear evidence that something was very wrong with the substrate.
Or a game of Jenga perhaps..?
Prior to replacing the concrete floor, we seriously considered renovating and reusing the parquet flooring blocks. Upon removal, it became clear that the cost of such an undertaking was prohibitive.
All bagged up and ready to go...
Sadly, because of their condition (a thick bitumin coating and widespread splintering), none of this had any commercial value. We have kept fifty pieces which we are planning to sell as souvenirs.
What lies beneath..?
Although 60+ years had passed since eyes had seen what lay beneath, and those present were keen to see what secrets it would reveal, we are happy to say that nothing sinister was found – unlike the movie.
Lights, Camera, Action
It’s been a long time since these lights shone on someone treading the boards. Who knows, perhaps on someone who is now famous.
The Stage has now left Town...
Now that it’s gone, we’re all looking forward to the next stage of the refurbishment (pun definitely intended). The plan is to have a portable stage that can be erected when required; creating more space in the hall when not needed.
The Digging Begins
It was quite exciting to watch them break through the old concrete base. Although the Council had undertaken an earlier survey to assess the condition of the floor, it was reassuring to know for certain that the right action was being taken.
The Culprit is Exposed
Sulphate-bearing hardcore from colliery spoil and other industrial by-products, was included in the construction of hundreds of thousand of properties between 1945-1970; causing immense damage to the overlaying concrete.
In order to break up the concrete more effectively, and thereby speed up the process, it was decided to dig a trench along the length of the floor.
Ooops... We didn't ask for a Swimming Pool...
As much as the Council would love to provide local residents with a fabulous swimming pool, we’re sorry to say that it’s not on the agenda. They are in the process of building one in Lichfield however.
Some people just can't resist a Photo Opportunity
It looks like Cllr John Hill is getting in touch with his inner child. Sorry John, we won’t be getting you one for Christmas. Not unless we can find him a second-hand Dinky Toy version.
Man & Machine Working Together...
Without use of the digger, the project would undoubtedly have taken many more weeks to complete. There are some jobs, however, that need to be undertaken with more of a hands-on approach.
The News in December 1957...
It was fascinating to find the remains of this old newspaper buried in the ash beneath the old concrete flooor. The newspaper being the Evening Despatch (dated Saturday – December 21st 1957).
Making Great Progress...
Because everyone has been working exceptionally hard since the project started, it’s hardly surpring that such great progress is being made.
Going... Going... Almost Gone...
Not much more to be removed before we can start building the ground up to the required level with hardcore.
Waiting To Be Hauled Away...
Could this be the last of the material from the old floor waiting to be hauled away..? Fingers crossed.
Inspection By Building Regulations...
Ooops… Having been inspected by a member of the Building Regulations Team, it looks like we’re going to have to dig much deeper
Digging Deeper Following Inspection...
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Delivery Of Hardcore...
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Loading Hardcore Onto The Conveyor...
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Coming In Fast & Furious...
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Making Good Progress...
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Levelling & Compacting The Hardcore...
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Laying The Insulation...
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Laying Membrane Completed...
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Concrete Delivery
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Laying Concrete Floor...
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Time To Bring In The Power Floats...
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PowerFloat In Action...
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The Finished Floor
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In Need Of A Clean-Up...
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That Karcher Should Do The Job...
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Mustn't Forget The Radiators...
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